2012 AGM

Our annual residents meeting was held on 26th March at the Montpeliano restaurant, with light refreshments being provided.


  • Next year’s precept will be £32,500
  • Thames Water hosepipe ban begins on 6th April. We will investigate digging a borehole for irrigation water.
  • Tree pruning continues in rotation. This year: the bay tree at the SW corner.
  • The garden committee remains unchanged for 2012/13
  • New Byelaws have received court approval
  • Planning permission will be sought for the existing lighting installation

Next year’s meeting will be in March 2013.

Attached: AGM Minutes 26.3.12

Annual Residents Meeting

This years Annual Residents Meeting will be held on

26th March at 6:30pm

at The Montpeliano Restaurant, 1st Floor

All residents are invited to attend. Some light refreshments will be served.

The Montpelier Square Garden Committee manages the square garden on behalf of the residents. According to the rules we operate under there can be no less than three and no more than nine committee members at any one time. If more than nine nominations are received then a written poll will be conducted.

If you would like to join the committee for the 2012/13 year then please use the form attached below to nominate yourself for election. The nomination deadline is March 12th. Please return completed forms to Number 8.

CommitteeMemberNominationForm (PDF)

These are the minutes of last year’s meeting:

ARM_2011 (PDF)